Excused Absences
Students must bring in a note after each day they are absent. The note must include the date absent, the reason for being absence, a phone number where a parent/guardian can be reached, and the parent/guardian's signature. Students will be given the opportunity to make up work for excused absences Excused absences may include:
- An illness or injury that prevents the student from attending school. The illness or injury must e verified by a healthcare provider (after three days absent), school nurse or parent
- A death in the immediate family (Parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin) or other significant personal or family crisis
- Court appearance
- Medical or psychological tests during the school day. The parent must show evidence (such as a note from a health center) that the tests could not be scheduled after school
- Religious holy days
- Other extraordinary situations approved by the school principal
IMPORTANT: Some parents think that any absence will be excused as long as the parent sends a note. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
Unexcused Absences
Here are a few examples of absences that are unexcused even if the parent sends a note:
- Repetitive and chronic absences due to illness or injury. In these cases, the parent must submit a letter from a health care provider verifying that the student was too sick or injured to attend school
- Student needed to babysit
- Cutting class
- Family vacation
- Extension of a religious or cultural holiday beyond the designated day or days
Whenever possible, parents should check with the principal before allowing a child to miss school if they are not sure the absence will be excused. The school does not have to help a student make up work due to unexcused absences
A student is tardy if he/she arrives at school late, without an excused reason, and does not have sufficient time for the start of the instructional day or period
After a student is tardy for secondary school five times, a parental meeting will be required and/or a school disciplinary action may be taken
A parent/guardian requesting an early dismissal for his/her child MUST submit to the Attendance Paraprofessional a note stating the reason, date and time of the dismissal. Dismissals by telephone are accepted only in rare emergences, and must be verified by the Attendance Para. The students must be picked up at the attendance office and SIGNED OUT of school by his/her parent or guardian. Dismissals during school hours must be kept to a minimum
MCAS Dates
Attendance is crucial during MCAS testing. Please keep these months in mind:
- March - last week - Grade 7 ELA Composition
- March - last week and April - first week - Grades 6-8 ELA Reading Composition
- May - Testing for all grades during this month.